Agency Awards
- FAHRO - Spirit Award
- Tampa Business & Wealth Magazine - Apogee Award: Best Chief Operating Officer, Leroy Moore
- NAHRO - EFFORTS Scholarship
- NAHRO - Healthy Homes Program
- NAHRO - Oaks at Riverview Community Garden
- NAHRO - Santa's Workshop
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- Housing Educational Alliance - Heart Award
- Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative - Outstanding Performance Award
- Tampa Downtown Partnership - The Boulevards at West River Towers 1, 2 and 3
- Tampa Downtown Partnership - Meacham Urban Farm
- Tampa Bay Business Journal - West River Development
- NAHRO - "Pick My Brain Friday"
- NAHRO - FileVision - Electronic Tenant Record at the time of COVID
- NAHRO - Fraud and Compliance Process Inprovement and Operational Efficiencies
- NAHRO - Tampa Housing Authority Success Initiative
- NAHRO - DJJ Afterschool Program
- NAHRO - THA Youth Success
- NAHRO - Tax Credit Tools (T3)
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- Florida Network of Youth and Family Services - Best Care Provider
- NAHRO - Business Continuity Plan - COVID-19 Response
- NAHRO - The Art of Urban Farming at Meacham Urban Farms, Encore Development
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- Florida Network of Youth and Family Services - Best Care Provider
- NAHRO - Assisted Housing Tenant Kiosk receives the National Award of Merit in Affordable Housing
- NAHRO - Assisted Housing Self-Serve Scanning Kiosk Solution receives the National Award of Merit in Administrative Innovation
- NAHRO - Assisted Housing (HCV) Housing Choice Voucher Program Trainer receives the National Award of Merit in Administrative Innovation
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- HAI Group - Recognition in Appreciation of the Agency's Time, Support and Inspiration to our Common Purpose for over 25 Years.
- Florida Network of Youth and Family Services - Excellence in Data
- NARHO - THA's Staff in the Field Day receives National Award of Merit
- NAHRO - THA's Opera Tampa Program receives National Award of Merit
- NAHRO - THA's Boxing Program receives National Award of Merit
- NAHRO - THA's Literacy Program receives National Award of Merit
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- Housing and Education Alliance - The Tampa Housing Authority is recognized for support of the HEART Awards 2018 "Rainbow Nation" and the Housing and Education Alliance
- NAHRO - The Assisted Housing Landlord Guidebook receives Award of Merit
- NAHRO - The Mass Housing Choice Briefing/Issuance receives Award of Merit
- NAHRO - The Calls for Service Safety Program receives Award of Merit
- NAHRO - The Jobs Plus Initiative (JPI) receives Award of Merit
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- NAHRO - Online Landlord Portal receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Tenant Orientation Briefing Packets receives Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Prodigy receives National Award of Excellence
- NAHRO - Navy Day - Back To School receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Connect Home receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Youth Build receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Electronic Tenant Records receives National Award of Excellence
- NAHRO - Bright Scholars - Congressional Black Caucus receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Corporate Fitness receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Homeless Outreach receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- NAHRO - Tampa Byrne Criminal Justice Initiative receives National Award of Excellence
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- HAI Group - Low Loss Achievement Award in General Liability Claims for 2013, 2014 and 2015
- FAHRO - J. L. Young Community Garden receives Award of Merit
- FAHRO - Bright Scholars Initiative receives Award of Merit
- FAHRO - Navy Day Back to School Giveaway receives Award of Merit
- FAHRO - Connect Home Initiative receives Award of Merit
- FAHRO - Agency Employee Newsletter receives Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Community Organic Garden - JL Young receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- FAHRO - BRIDGES Initiative receives Award of Merit
- NAHRO - BRIDGES receives NAHRO Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development
- FAHRO -"Keeping In Touch - 2nd Quarter" Best Newsletter Award - Medium Agency
- LEED - THA's Ella at Encore! receives LEED Gold certification
- FL Water - The Ella at Encore! receives Florida Water Star recognition
- NAHRO - The Trio at Encore! receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Project Design
- NAHRO - The Check and Connect Program receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Resident and Client Services
- NAHRO - Cedar Pointe Apartments, a Smart Living Community receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Affordable Housing
- NAHRO - The Job Development and Placement Program receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Resident and Client Services
- NAHRO - The Section 8 Mass Wait List Interviews receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Affordable Housing
- NAHRO - THA's Administrative Revision receives National Award of Merit in Administrative Innovation
- SERC-NAHRO - THA's Encore District Chiller Plant and Technology Park receives Award of Excellence
- FL Water - The Trio at Encore! receives Florida Water Star recognition
- The Planning Commission - Planning & Design Award of Merit in the Housing Category to the Reed at Encore
- NAHRO - The Encore Art Program receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Resident and Client Services
- NAHRO - Case Management Services receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Resident and Client Services
- NAHRO - Bridges receives National Award of Merit in Program Innovation - Resident and Client Services
- NAHRO - Internal Cross Training receives National Award of Merit in Administration Innovation
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its THA Annual Management Report
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Annual Golf Tournament
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Oaks at Riverview Community Center Summer Program
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its YouthBuild - GED Program
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its YouthBuild Program
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Electronic Project-Based Section 8
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Encore District Chiller Plant and Technology Park
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for Housing the Chronically Homeless
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Ella at Encore Green, Affordable Senior Housing
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its English for Speakers of Other Languages Program
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award for The Encore District Chiller Plant and Technology Park
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its BRIDGES Program
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Annual Basketball Tournament
- HUD - THA receives $351,282 to promote Family Self-Sufficiency
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Records Management Program
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Oaks at Riverview Community Center - Youth Program
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Assisted Housing Log Master
- NAHRO - THA receives Award of Merit in Housing and Community Development for its Landlord Newsletters and E-Statements
- H'Attitude Awards - Outstanding Achievement Award (Business Activities)
- SERC-NAHRO - The Administrative Innovation Award for "The Dr. Margaret Fisher Housing Heroes Scholarship" Program
- TOBA - Corporate Award Recognition at the 33rd Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. Leadership Breakfast
- FMCRC - THA's Center for Affordable Homeownership Center named Non-Profit of the Year and received a 2013 Hyundai Sonata GLS vehicle.
- DOE - THA is named Inaugural Partner by the Dept. of Energy and HUD for its commitment to clean energy.
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- HCPC - Award of Merit from the Hillsborough County Planning Commission for Project Design of Moses White Estates/Affordable Housing Category
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Moses White Estates Redevelopment
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for J.L. Young's In-House Hotel Plan
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Housing Choice Voucher Program Re-orientation
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Agency Management Report
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Monthly SEMAP (Section 8 Management Assessment Program)
- HUD - $30 Million Choice Neighborhood Grant for continued redevelopment of once-blighted Central Park Village
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for installation of the J.L. Young Solar Photovoltaic System
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Margaret A. Fisher Scholarship Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Housing Choice Voucher quarterly newsletter
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Elderly Services Comprehensive Health, Wellness and Social Services Programs
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Resident Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Electronic Quality Control Monitoring of Tenant Files a Section 8 Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Housing Choice Voucher 100% audit of program files to comply with and enhance RIM an SEMAP scores and assure federal dollars are used efficiently
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the Annual Elder Affairs Day Program, a.k.a. Older American Month celebration
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for THA's Annual Senior Cabaret
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for THA's Annual Fatherhood Initiative
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for the YouthBuild Program
- ULI - 1000 Friends of Florida's Better Community Award
- DOL - $1, 068,849 in funding from the Department of Labor to support the YouthBuild Program
- NTIA - Broadband Funding to implement Smart-Home Pilot Initiative
- CDBG - Additional $500,000 to fund Solar Program project
- HUD - $316,302 Family Unification Program Grant
- ARRA - $2.1 Million in Stimulus Funding to launch Solar Program
- HUD-VASH - $517,329 for additional 75 vouchers to provide aid to homeless Veterans
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- NAHRO - Oaks at Riverview Community Center
- NAHRO - Home Maintenance Educational Program
- NAHRO - Organizational Restructure: Finance/IT Systems
- NAHRO - Restructuring Financial Information Systems
- NAHRO - Public Housing- Zero ($0) Renters Program
- NAHRO - ROSS Elederly Program
- NAHRO - ROSS Family Apprenticeship Program
- NAHRO - Florida Network
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- NAHRO - Award of Merit
- Florida Business League, Inc. - Booker T. Washington Excellence In Business Award presented to Jerome Ryans, Tampa Housing Authority.
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- NAHRO - NAHRO Fellows (Jerome D. Ryans, THA President/CEO)
- HUD - THA is recognized as High Performer
- HA Insurance Group - Risk Control Work Plan Certificate
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control Award
- HA Insurance Group - Risk Control Work Plan Certificate
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control Award
- NAHRO - Award of Merit James H. Shimberg Estates
- HA Insurance Group - Award of Outstanding Risk Control
- FAHRO - Newsletter Award - Best Issue (Large Agency)
- FAHRO - Best Overall Photography for Employee Newsletter
- FAHRO - Best Newsletter - Large Agency
- Tampa Bay Biz Journal - Business of the Year (nominee)
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control Award
- HA Insurance Group - Risk Control Certificate Achievement
- HA Insurance Group - Certificate of Achievement for Risk Control Work Plan
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control
- HA Insurance Group - Award of Outstanding Risk Control
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award - Oaks at Riverview
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Oaks at Riverview
- NAHRO - Award of Excellence - Oaks at Riverview
- NAHRO - Award of Excellence for Arbors at Rubin E. Padgett Estates
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Rubin E. Padgett Estates
- FL League of Biz - Award of Appreciation
- FAHRO - Best Overall Writing - Large Agency Newsletter
- HA Insurance Group - Low Loss Achievement Award
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award for Focus
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award for Comprehensive
- FAHRO - Newsletter Award - Best Photography
- Zenith - Outstanding Safety Achievement
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control
- HA Insurance Group - Low Loss Achievement Award
- HUD - Award of Excellence
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award for Comprehensive Modernization Program
- Zenith - Outstanding Safety Achievement
- Planning Commission - Excellence in Community Design for Belmont Heights Estates
- Planning Commission - Recognition Award-Community Design for SOHO Apartments
- HA Insurance Group - Outstanding Risk Control
- Zenith - Outstanding Safety Achievement
- HA Insurance Group - Low Loss Achievement Awards
- Zenith - Outstanding Safety Achievement
- CG/CC - Modernization Projects
- FAHRO - Best Overall Layout and Design for Employee Newsletter
- Planning Commission - Recognition for Community Design for Seminole Gardens
- Planning Commission - Recognition in Community Design for Bay Ceia Apartments
- HA Insurance Group - Award of Outstanding Risk Control
- Michaels Devel Corp - Award for Outstanding Leadership/Belmont Heights Estates
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award for Section 3 Awareness
- FAHRO - Best Practice Award for Delaney Creek Homeownership
- HA Insurance Group - Award of Outstanding Risk Control
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Inner-City Street Hockey Program
- Project LINK - Award of Appreciation
- NAHRO - Award of Merit/Family Self-Sufficiency Village
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Audley Evans Youth Center
- Mayor's Award - Outstanding Commitment of Affordable Housing
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Senior "Story Time"
- Human Rights Council - Appreciation Award for Services
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Economic Impact Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Immunization Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Campus Compact Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Resident and Client Services
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Youth Sports Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Resident Patrol Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Elderly Services Program
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for Section 8 Outreach Program
- Dade City HA - Award of Appreciation during Hurricane Andrew
- NAHRO - Award of Merit for "Dare to Care-Elderly" Program