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Zion Cemetery June 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Zion Cemetery Preservation & Maintenance Society Board Meeting
June 15th, 2023
Fred Hearns called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. on June 15th, 2023
Board Members Present: Reva Iman
Fred Hearns Leroy Moore
Jeradline Williams
Rev. Byron Pressley
A motion for approval for April 2023 minutes was made by Leroy Moore and seconded by Reva Iman. The motion passed unanimously.
David Ilonaya shared with the board about a visit from Congresswomen Kathy Castor and Congressman Mike Quigley. During their visit, they expressed great admiration for the Memorial Park and have committed their support to its cause.
I. New Membership Application
I. Jeradline Williams has withdrawal the board application sent to Walter Smith. Mr.Smith has indicated that he is currently focusing on school priorities and is unable to take on the position. As a result, the board seat for Zion Descent remains vacant.
II. Update on NEA Grant with the City of Tampa
I. Leroy Moore will reach out to Robin Nigh to give an update on July's Meeting.
III. Update on Private Property Acquisitions
I. No update at this time regarding Private Property
II. Leroy Moore proposed a motion for the board to grant authorization to Fred Hearns to arrange a meeting with Councilman Gwendolyn Henderson to discuss matters related to Zion. Reva Iman seconded the motion. However, due to another conversation taking precedence, no formal vote was conducted on this particular motion
IV. Update on Fundraising Committee
I. On June 1st, Ms. Williams visited Zion Cemetery and took the initiative to create a proposal for a fundraising event dedicated to the improvement and preservation of the cemetery. Once the proposal is finalized, we will request a meeting with the board members to thoroughly review it.
II. During her visit, Ms. Williams also expressed some concerns regarding the quality of the banners displayed outside Robles Park. Mr.Moore said the Tampa Housing Authority has already replaced these banners twice, and based on their assessment, they have determined that they are still in good condition. Therefore, they have decided not to replace them for a third time. Their rationale is that any funds gathered for the memorial park should be allocated to more pressing and prioritized items.
Minutes of Zion Cemetery Preservation & Maintenance Society Board Meeting
V. Update on Funding and Grant Prospects
I. No further update at this time.
VI. Update on Historic Marker Installation
I. Fred will contact William Porth in the City; he is responsible for the placement of the Marker.
VII. News Article: Zion Memorial, Tampa Bay Times
I. An article was shared by Mr. Moore with the Board prior the meeting. Zion Cemetery's condition and future could be influenced by what occurred at Memorial Park. It was noted as a positive development that Memorial Park is now under public ownership, as the potential threat arises when a cemetery is privately owned. Contrary to popular belief, the Housing Authority does not hold the largest ownership of Zion Cemetery. In fact, the majority of the cemetery is privately owned and currently utilized for commercial purposes. This situation raises concerns regarding the preservation and restoration of the cemetery's dignity. The information was shared with the entire board to ensure awareness of the ongoing situation.
II. The city has successfully completed the process of repurchasing the cemetery from the private owner. This acquisition enables the city to take responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery, as well as work towards improving the accuracy of burial records that have been lost over time. Mr. Moore expressed appreciation for the city's approach in assessing the existing resources, identifying any gaps, and diligently piecing together the information. He emphasized the importance of the city's efforts in regaining control of the cemetery, maintaining it under public ownership, and preserving it as a significant burial ground.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for July 20th, 2023
Hearing no objections. The meeting adjourned at 5:55PM.